Jazzy, Me, and the October Winds of Change

It’s been a while since I blogged. It’s been on my mind, but I just haven’t gotten around to it – and it’s not like there haven’t been great things to blog about this month.

Highlights included Saturday October 17. Jazz and I had the best Jazzy/Daddy date ever. I had two tickets to the Argos’ ‘home’ game in Hamilton against Calgary. Only 3,401 fans showed up for the game, and it would have completely sucked, except for the fact that Jazzy was there with me, and she actually seemed interested in the outcome. She watched every play, when she wasn’t googling scores for the Blue Jays game.


Afterwards, on the drive back to Toronto, we made a plan to see The Martian at Scotiabank Theatre downtown. We parked, bought tickets, ate supper, then took in the show. I rubbed her fee through most of it. Movie was good, and the day was even better.

Two days later, was a day I’d been waiting for, for four years – the Canadian Federal Election! Jazz actually spent some time volunteering on the Liberal candidate’s campaign in our riding. We’d both been following the issues closely, and on the morning of October 19th, I invited Jazz to come with me to vote. She’s still too young to cast her own ballot, but on what will probably stand as one of the most important elections in Canadian history, I can say she was right there with me.

We celebrated afterwards with a coffee and a muffin at a local cafe, and then later that night, she joined me at Bloor Cinema where we watched the election live on the silver screen, with a couple hundred other political enthusiasts. Jazz was so excited watching the numbers come in live. She kept texting her friends. The crowd cheered loudly when a Liberal victory was declared, and later cheered even louder when a Liberal majority was declared. Never experienced an election quite like that. One for the ages.

Currently, I’m about a scene away from finishing a TV Pilot for a production company back in Regina. After writing on six episodes of Riderville Radio Sitcom, dusting off this new project felt both old-hat, and breathtakingly fresh at the same time. I’ve scheduled a table read to take place at my apartment on Monday. I’m excited to hear it out loud.

Well… that’s a quick summary of my month. Got lots to do today. Might as well make some hay.